Jazz in Hamburg - Modern & Free Jazz Live Konzerte





Luís Vicente - trumpet
Gonçalo Almeida - doublebass
Pedro Melo Alves - drums and percussion

A Portuguese trumpeter more and more present in the international scene, in such a way that he has more concerts scheduled in other countries than on his own, Luís Vicente never seems to stop: after the success of his partnership with John Dikeman, William Parker and Hamid Drake in “Goes Without Saying, But It’s Got to Be Said”, he turns to national silver (represented here by Gonçalo Almeida and Pedro Melo Alves, both protagonists of their own projects) and signs an album that inspires Drake, the above mentioned master drummer, to write (in the liner notes) that Vicente’s work is a lesson about «keep looking, searching for new possibilities, broadening ones views» and part of «the underlying code of the whole universe», as Sufi mystic Hazrat Iayat Khan put it. Once again applying his never apologetic «sense of freedom», Vicente is back with a powerful album that is a joy to listen to. He may not take any prisoners, but just because he releases them.


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Bitte reserviert mit vollständigen Namen, ob ihr genesen, geimpft oder getestet seit und bestenfalls gemeinsam als Gruppe oder Familie, sodass wir euch zusammen platzieren können.
Unsere Plätze sind begrenzt.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der
Initiative Musik Neustart Kultur Club

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Alle Videomitschnitte unserer Konzerte findet Ihr
auf dem You-Tube Kanal von Reiner Damisch.


FATJAZZ urban exchange


Stresemannstraße 133,
22769 Hamburg


Eintritt 15,- / ermäßigt 8,-




FatJazz OpenAir 2021 - ParkFiction

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